“F@#& yeah. I f@#&ing love that logo.”

—Greg Campbell, Award-winning author, journalist, & documentarian, Fox Tale Films

Radiant Rituals Hero

Radiant Rituals

Radiant Rituals was a 30-day program of yoga classes, recipes, and more to help people lay the ground work for transforming their lives into the New Year. Coined as “Ancient Rituals for the Modern Calendar,” it weaves ayurvedic and yogic practices into a digestible and doable program. The campaign and program targeted both English- and Spanish-speaking audiences.

Role: Creative Direction/Graphic Design

Company: Independent
Radiant Rituals Feature

Handlettered Logo Designs

The look of the marketing assets needed to feel fresh and modern, yet grounded in tradition. For this reason, I used Hindi as inspiration for the lettering. The colors are a mesh of root chakra colors and fresh, irradescent hues.

Radiant Rituals Logo@2x
Rituales Logo@2x
Radiant Rituals 1

E-Book & Affirmation Cards

As a free gift for signing up, members recieved an e-book for daily rituals, affirmations, and recipes, along with oracle-style affirmation cards for each day of the program. Both are divided into the different Ayurvedic elements that inspire that particular week.

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Radiant Rituals 3
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Landing Page Design

I designed and wrote copy for a landing page with the goal of inticing new member sign-ups, featuring Radiant Rituals as a selling point.